The month of September is globally celebrated as the month of suicide prevention. S.A.L.T Africa held a vivid, thought provoking online photo campaign which spoke to reduction of suicide rates, and addressed various social ills.

The campaign focused on steering conversations around the subject of suicide, causes, prevention and bridging the gap with the older generation

Suicide is defined as an act of intentionally causing one`s own death. Risk factors include depression, bipolar disorder, personality disorder, and alcoholism among other factors that research has found to be pushing factors. It is however unfortunate that suicide in an African context has always been taken to be a result of an evil act against the `gods of life` and those who would have decided to take their lives would not receive proper burial as they will be labelled `social outcasts`. Little or no attention has been paid to the driving forces for this act, hence, injustice being done to the victims. Suicide is a major health problem, and the global suicide mortality rate amounts to 1.4% of all deaths worldwide. The Lancet Global Health recorded a 52% increase in suicide rate in Africa which is a significant increase especially for developing countries whose population has escalated from the last census by 15%.

The third goal of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all the world's governments in 2016 also includes commitments to improve mental health and prevent and treat substance use disorders. Mental health however in developing countries have always been clinicalized hence the need for non-governmental parastatals to come up with solutions. It is closing this gap that S.A.L.T Africa presents the `This is not how my story ends` campaign which seeks to raise awareness on the importance of mental health care in addressing the alarming increase in suicide rates especially in tertiary institutions in Zimbabwe.